Department of Mathematics

Computational, Discrete and Applicable Mathematics @ LSE

An Afternoon of Combinatorics

13.30-17.20 - Thursday 30 August 2007
room A318 - Old Building - London School of Economics

We are pleased to announce a half-day meeting with a number of talks covering several areas in combinatorics. This meeting will take place in the afternoon of Thursday 30 August 2007, in room A318 of the London School of Economics. The programme and abstracts of the talks can be found below.

The meeting is partly funded by an Alliance Programme Grant of the British Council and the French Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE). Two of the speakers, Omid Amini and Florian Huc, are visiting London supported by the French partners of the Alliance Programme.

See the LSE Maps and Directions page for information how to get to the LSE, and the LSE Buildings and Rooms information about how to find A318. If you like to have more information, please contact the organiser Jan van den Heuvel at


    13.30  Viresh Patel (LSE)
Partitioning Posets  (abstract)
    14.10  Florian Huc (INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France)
Improper colouring of weighted grid and hexagonal graphs  (abstract)
    14.50  Jozef Skokan (LSE)
Pseudorandomness and small subgraphs  (abstract)
 15.30  Break
    16.00  Omid Amini (INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France)
List colouring constants of triange-free graphs  (abstract)
    16.40  Peter Allen (LSE)
Partitioning two-coloured complete graphs into monochromatic cycles  (abstract)


   Partitioning Posets
Let $P=(X,$<) be a poset. A down-set of $P$ is a subset $A$ of $X$ such that if $a$ is in $A$ and $b<a$, then $b$ is also in $A$. For $A$ a down-set of $P$ and $B$ its complement, define
$\displaystyle{\,E(A,B)\;=\;\lbrace\,(a,b)\::\: a\in A,\; b\in B,\; a<b\,\rbrace.}$
This defines an analogue of graph cuts for posets. In this talk we address the following natural questions: how large can $|E(A,B)|$ be in general and how difficult is it to maximise $|E(A,B)|$ computationally, for a given poset? We also consider natural extensions of these questions for order respecting partitions into more than two parts.

   Improper colouring of weighted grid and hexagonal graphs
Motivated by a frequence allocation problem, we study the improper coloration of weighted graphs and more precisely of weighted subgraph of the triangular grid. We give approximation algorithms to find such colorations.

   Pseudorandomness and small subgraphs
For a fixed $0<p<1$ we say that a sequence $(G_n)_{n=1}^\infty$ of graphs is $p$-pseudorandom if (i) the number of edges $e(G_n)=(1+o(1))\,p\,{n\choose 2}$, and (ii) the number of not necessarily induced labelled copies of $C_4$ in $G_n$ is $(1+o(1))\,p^4\,n^4$, where $o(1)\to 0$ as $n\to\infty$.
Thomason and Chung and Graham observed that the properties above are equivalent to a number of other graph properties that are typically satisfied by random graphs (hence the name "pseudorandom").
One interesting question is whether $C_4$ above can be replaced by any fixed graph $H$. In other words, is it true that if $H$ is fixed and a sequence of $(G_n)_{n=1}^\infty$ of graphs satisfies
(i)   the number of edges $e(G_n)=(1+o(1))\,p\,{n\choose 2}$, and
(ii)  the number of not necessarily induced labelled copies of $H$ in $G_n$ is $(1+o(1))\,p^{e(H)}\,n^{v(H)}$, where $o(1)\to 0$ as $n\to\infty$,
then $(G_n)_{n=1}^\infty$ is $p$-pseudorandom?
In my talk I will discuss known and related results and open questions.

   List colouring constants of triangle-free graphs
Let $G=(V,E)$ be a graph. A list assignment to vertices of $G$ associates a list $L(v)$ of available colours to each vertex $v\in V$. A proper $L$-colouring of $G$ is a proper colouring, i.e., a colouring in which neighbours have different colours, such that the colour of each vertex $v$ belongs to $L(v)$.
Given a colour $c$ in $L=\bigcup_{v\in V}L(v)$, we denote by $G_c$ the graph induced on all vertices $v$ with $c\in L(v)$, i.e., $\displaystyle{G_c\:=\:G[\{v\in V\:|\:c\in L(v)\}]}$.
By $\Delta$ we denote the integer number $\max_{c\in L}\Delta(G_c)$. Let $\ell=\min_v|L(v)|$. It was conjectured by Reed that if $\ell\geq\Delta+1$ then $G$ admits a proper $L$-colouring. Bohman and Holzman provided a counter-example to this conjecture. Reed and Haxell proved a sufficient linear bound of type, respectively, $\ell\geq2\:e\:\Delta$ and $\ell\geq2\:\Delta$ for the existence of a proper $L$-colouring. Furthermore Sudakov and Reed proved that the conjecture is asymptotically true. An intriguing open question is then
Is there any constant $C$ such that for every $G$ and $L$ as above with $\ell\geq \Delta+C$, $G$ admits a proper $L$-colouring?
We prove the following theorem which in particular provides an answer to the above question for triangle free graphs:

There exists an absolute constant $K$ such that if each subgraph $G_c$ is triangle free and $\ell\geq\frac{K\:\Delta}{\log\Delta}$, then $G$ admits a proper $L$-colouring.

Joint work with Bruce Reed.

   Partitioning two-coloured complete graphs into monochromatic cycles
A conjecture due to Lehel states that for any two-edge-coloured complete graph on $n$ vertices there exist two vertex-disjoint cycles of opposite colours which cover all the vertices of the graph. We show that the conjecture holds when $n$ is sufficiently large.

Thanks to Douglas R. Woodall for allowing everybody to use his dynamic LaTeXMathML converter

Copyright © Jan van den Heuvel & London School of Economics and Political Science 2007

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